About Me


Colleen Madsen

“Success is not an accident. It’s a choice.“


Thanks for stopping by.  I started my career before the world wide web existed, when fax machines were all the rage, writing long hand or creating documents on an electric typewriter (and a lot of white out) made sense and when people actually talked to each other.  To some I might be considered a relic – to others a master.  I’ve worked with the brightest and the best business leaders for more than 30 years as a strategist, trainer, coach and advisor.  I’ve studied for thousands of hours – everything from neuroscience and all things brainy, leadership, communication and negotiations to team building.  I’ve re-engineered sales divisions across the country to create sustainable competitive advantages that significantly grow the bottom line. I’ve jumped off professional cliffs and made a parachute on the way down.


The last five years I have very deliberately studied the correlation between professional sports, building championship teams, the science of analytics, high performing coaches and world class performers in life and in business.  If you’re looking for a “life” coach I wouldn’t use those words to describe me.  I don’t particularly agree with the concept of SMART goals as an overall guiding principle. I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have sent a man to the moon with this limiting process that often smothers creativity. And while perhaps a solid tool for planning, the process often lands you not-so-safely in the muck of mediocrity.


What I do believe in, is the remarkable capacity we all have to be great.  How choosing courage over comfort, grabbing onto to some grit, ditching distractions and moving from auto pilot to intention can and will create sustainable, beyond your imagination, change. Your decisions will always shape your destiny.  It can be scary though as there’s no one to blame when you take your life and your business into your own hands.


Working with me isn’t easy.  There will be times when you’d rather be rid of me.  But if you want to take command, experience insane productivity, write your own story and master the day we should probably chat.  Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

