I’ve been fortunate to spend time with many remarkable “Halftimers”.  What they have most in common is they have decided they simply cannot live a fulfilled second half without purpose.  Not that long ago, life for people over the age of 60 was not all that inspiring.  They worked hard for 40+ years followed by a sudden stop, followed by retirement and soon after, death for many.

This isn’t what most of us want – but the pattern will continue until we change the way we prepare ourselves for what can be the best time of life!  This is what Halftime is all about.  There is a better way and it begins with “repurposing” ourselves.

In working with Halftimers we often talk about finding out “what’s in the box”.  By that I mean, what are you most passionate about and how you can use all the skills, talents and experience to express what lives inside.  Most find that what got them through the first half is not sufficient for finishing well, so they adopt a new pupose – one where they get to truly express themselves and use their natural gifts and talents.  It’s living in your own personal “sweet spot” – and if you’re a golfer you know exactly what happens when your club meets the ball in this exquisite place.

If there were only room for one thing in your life what would it be?  It is more money, more success, more things?  Or is it something completely different?  Something surprising?

Those who have the most meaningful and fulfilled lives have considered all their options and gained clarity around purpose.  They have decided who they want to be and what they want to be remembered for.

What do you want to be remembered for?

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