At a function I attended not too long ago, an energetic individual handed me their card. Under their name was the title “philanthropreneur”. How interesting I thought to combine philanthropy and entrepreneurship. Immediately the likes of Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation popped into my head and at almost the same time ordinary people mentor children at risk or young business leaders. Signficant acts abound! And they come in all shapes and sizes.
What is unique about a Philanthropreneur is that they don’t just give – they get involved. They use not only their financial gifts and treasures, but their skills and experience. What a powerful combination. At the same time, there is no need to be rich, or even religious for that matter, to step up to the plate, get involved and live a life of purpose. Too many people think they have to be wealthy to make a difference. Sure, its’ easy for someone like Bill Gates to write a cheque – but it’s just as easy for ordinary people with ordinary incomes to volunteer or serve their community in some way. And it’s equally as potent.
Colin Powell once said, “Let’s not just praise billionaires, let’s praise anyone who lifts a finger or donates a dime, because small deeds and small amounts matter.” Being significant isn’t just about acts of greatness or actions like climbing Mt. Everest. It can also be about the work that needs to be done at base camp.
It is possible to contribue something to the world through some basic everyday acts. You can turn simple things into siginficant moments. Small acts matter. So rather than obsessing over your aging body, the latest technology and that Mercedes Benz you’ve always wanted, try thinking about how you can bring more purpose to your life.
“We realize that what we are accomplishing is a drop in the ocean. But if this drop were not in the ocean, it would be missed.” (Mother Teresa)
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