In a few words, Peter Drucker summed up one of the biggest challenges facing organizations today. Most of these challenges have one thing in common: people.


I’ve seen it first-hand and in many cases, from a people point of view, is was heart breaking. Over the past five years I’ve spent time working in a variety of companies, who diligently hold strategic planning sessions with their leadership teams. In some cases, these typically overly long and redundant meetings are held as often as every quarter. The strategies appear to be sound and certainly made sense – yet – they failed time and time and time again. Why? People. They simply weren’t engaged. And while they were often the ones blamed for the lack of success in execution, it was the leaders who needed to take a good hard look in the mirror.


Of course strategy and crisp execution are core elements to any business, along with a host of other company capabilities. But you all know it is your people who are central to developing and executing those strategies. Are they thriving? Are they prepared individually and collectively to navigate through turbulent times? Fostering a PERSONAL LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS culture is a critical, and an often over-looked component to establishing a strong, vibrant and healthy organization. One that is capable of sustaining long-term success.


High performing cultures consistently deliver extraordinary results and outperform others. Culture determines how things are done, how people behave and how value is created. Former IMB CEO Lou Gerstner said, “Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game, it is the game.” He couldn’t have been more right.


High levels of employee engagement are the result of effective leadership, high quality managers and employees that are aware of their own strengths, goals and unique contribution. Some studies would suggest that as few as 25% of employees are fully engaged and contributing maximum value.


Imagine a workplace where people are skilled at taking initiative, handling stress and staying positive yet thinking critically.


Imagine an environment in which employees are living with a sense of purpose and passion, and maintaining a healthy work life balance.


How about a culture that is characterized by positive thinking and strong relationships amongst all the people. A place where productivity is maximized, not just professionally but personally.


Turning an unhealthy company into a healthy one will not only create a massive competitive advantage that is difficult to copy, and significantly improved bottom line, it will also make a real difference in the lives of the people who work there. And for those leaders who direct those efforts it will be one of the most meaningful and rewarding endeavors they will ever pursue.


You know that leadership and culture are two sides of the same coin. Will you be one of those leaders who command an effort to make your organization and the people who work their more effective?

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