I was thinking about some of the most important lessons I’ve learned from the many clients I have had the privilege to serve.  You’ve likely seen most of these or considered them as you look to taking your business to new heights, but they are worth revisiting.

1. To lead is to serve – This one is tough for many, impossible for some.
2. Be very picky about the people you hire – Take your time.
3. Celebrate as your new hire joins the team and make sure you “on-board” them effectively – Never underestimate the power of first impressions.
4. Define the purpose and meaning of the work you are doing and be passionate about preaching it over and over and over again – The “why” is more important than the “what” to not only your people but your customers as well.
5. Find ways to make everyone’s work more challenging, interesting and rewarding – Build a staff of “climbers”.
6. Compensate people fairly – Even if your high performing sales people take home a bigger pay cheque than you do.
7. Give honor to all people – Diversity should be welcomed.
8. Identify, develop and invest heavily in your leaders – They are your future.
9. Demand excellence and accountability – Including your leaders.
10. Insist upon personal continuous improvement – In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
11. Recognize and reward achievements spontaneously – No need to wait for the quarterly meeting.
12. Build community – It matters.
13. Seek out best practices and implement them – When a contributing member of your team leaves, their “secrets to success” and knowledge should stay in your building.
14. Push decision-making to the lowest level possible – You’ll save yourself a lot of time and your people will be grateful.
15. Train your people well and help them develop new skills – See number 10.
16. Trust your people to do the right thing – Trust builds loyalty.
17. Be honest and demand honesty, even brutal honesty, including the good news and the bad – Guess what? They can take it.
18. Respect the important balance between work and home life – This includes you.
19. Do the little things that make a house a home.

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